
How would I go about acquiring an image for use as book cover art?

How would I go about acquiring an image for use as book cover art?

Amanuenssi Laura Gelmi vastaa:

Is there a specific image you are looking for? You can send us an enquiry through this Kysy Museolta (Ask the Museum) service, and we'll help you as best we can. If you need an image by a contemporary photographer, we can forward your message to them. If you need a photograph from our archives, it may need to be digitized first. You can consult our prices and conditions in the website of our image services and archives.

We have also released a selection of photographs in our Flickr albums to be freely downloaded and used without any restrictions. Those images have no known copyright restrictions and are thus licensed with the Creative commons CC-0 licence, but we do hope that you will mention the name of the photographer and of the Finnish Museum of Photography when re-publishing those images and that they are not used in a disrespectful context in relation to the persons portrayed.

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